World Health Organization doctor Erica Baxter, high-powered Washington, DC PR executive Wesley Landingham, and genius computer hacker Johan Nilsson have all been summoned to the Emerald City, the Antarctic research center owned and operated by Oz Gatan, one of the world’s richest and most powerful men. He’s ready to reveal his latest creation: a vaccine that grants immortality through genetic manipulation. What Gatan doesn’t know is that in the back room of a Hong Kong casino, the same vaccine is making its way onto the worldwide black market before its official launch.

When Baxter, Landingham, and Nilsson learn that Gatan’s miracle is nothing of the kind, they must do whatever they can to stop him from bringing about the destruction of the human race. Aiding them in their mission is an unlikely ally: Aaron Anderson, a young Silicon Valley entrepreneur who secretly runs an underground counter-bioterrorism organization called the House of Wisdom ... and who has stolen a vial of Gatan’s secret substance and injected himself with it.